Friday, July 22, 2011

Stoke and Starstuff

A while back someone shared this video of a very stoked surfer being interviewed and his enthusiasm I found contagious.

Strangely enough it was called a 'surfer fail' interview while I completely felt and understood his emotions.  It just made me want to charge the surf.  Paired with the video was a hypnotic remix using Autotunes.

Then to make it better, DennisG the High School Physics teacher found that the same people who made the remix also had science themed mashups like this one

Far out! Now I like autotunes.

1 comment:

  1. Like the lead comment on the Surfer Fail video says: "sounds like a surfer WIN to me"! Love the Starstuff "We are all connected" video, it sends chills up my spine.
